Ticknevin NS
St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS


St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS
  St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS
  St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS
  St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS
  St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS
  St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS
  St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS
  St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS
  St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS
  St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS
St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS
St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS
St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS


Photo of school

We will re-open on Thursday 29th August at 9.00am. New Junior Infant pupils will arrive at 9.10am for the first two mornings and finish at 12noon to ease with the transition.

From Monday 2nd September they will start at 9.00am and finish at 1.40pm. Pupils in first class will now finish school at 2.40pm.

Defibrilltor sign

Best wishes and congratulations to all our 6th class pupils who left our school for the final time today (Friday, 21st June). We wish them every success and joy as they prepare for their next adventure. It has been a privilege to watch them grow over the years and their positive outlook has shone throughout their time with us.

We wish them all the luck they deserve as they head into Post-Primary school. They celebrated their graduation from Primary school this week. We thank their families for their support and encouragement over the years. We had a lovely mass as part of their graduation celebration.

Many thanks to Deacon John for facilitating this mass. We thank their families for their support and encouragement over the years. Many thanks to Luke from Music Generation and Mrs Shanahan who organised music on the day. Massive thanks to the Parents' Association for providing refreshments for the pupils and their families.

World Book Day graphic

Well done again to the pupils in Junior Infants, Senior Infants and 1st Class who completed the Seakeeper's Challenge.

The children have completed 4 species to date and are thoroughly enjoying this Green Schools challenge.

STATIONERY LIST 2024/2025...
Photo of school

Parents will not have to purchase school books, workbooks or copies for their child.

Pupils should have their stationery list in place and clearly labelled for the start of the school year.Please see email with stationery required for each class group.

SCHOOL FEES 2024/2025...
Photo of school

The fee covers the cost of arts and crafts materials, photocopying and pupil insurance. It should be noted that the funding for the school books scheme reduced by 16% this year compared to last year.

School fees can be paid via Aladdin Connect are should be paid before Friday, 30th August.

CLASS SPLITS 2024/2025...
Photo of school

The class splits for the 2024/2025 school year are as follows:

- Junior Infants, Senior Infants & 1st Class
- 2nd/3rd Class
- 4th, 5th & 6th Class

Picture of priest putting hand on childs heads

Best wishes and congratulations to Mr McGreal on his recent retirement.

Mr McGreal has been a hard-working, dedicated and valued member of our school staff since 2002 and a permanent member since 2006.

We were incredibly privileged to have Mr McGreal working with us here in the school for many years.

Mr McGreal has left a lifetime of memories that the staff and pupils will cherish. We will all miss Mr McGreal a great deal and we wish him all the best as he sets off on his new adventure and well earned retirement.

We hope the next chapter of his life is filled with happiness, laughter, joy and adventure. Many thanks to the staff who organised a fantastic send off for Mr McGreal. We hope he enjoyed the day!

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